
Alcohol & Me

Alcoholism is said to be the disease that tells you that you haven't got it!

Man wearing a black fedora and denim shirt

Buddha taught 84,000 lessons - 

How faith provides comfort, hope, and support, and highlights the importance of spiritual practices and community in fostering sobriety.

Faith, Community, and the Path to Recovery

Step 5 in the Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) program involves admitting the nature of our wrongs to God, ourselves, and another person. It is crucial for overcoming loneliness, finding forgiveness, developing humility

Humility and Healing: The Impact of Step 5 in Alcoholics Anonymous

Explore the Buddhist practice of Tonglen, or “Taking The Suffering of Others,” a meditation technique that promotes compassion, peace of mind, and long-term sobriety. This practice has significant benefits for those in recovery from addiction.

Secret Buddhist Practise That Will Keep Alcoholics Sober

Explore the crossroads of Buddhism and AA’s 12-Step model in achieving continuous sobriety. Discover the transformative power of shifting focus from self to others, and learn how compassion and service can pave the path to overcoming addiction.

What Did Buddha Say About Compassion and Addiction?

Explore the profound role of compassion in overcoming suffering and fostering connections, through the lens of the 12-Step process.

Alcoholics and Compassion: An Unlikely Connection

We imprison ourselves far more than society does, but what if we were really in prison? How to start recovering from alcoholism is prison.

How Do We Escape From The Prison of Our Minds?

An alcoholic walked out of a bar...

Comfort, Hope & Support for SobrietyLet's delve deeper into the profound impact of faith in spiritual practices and

Faith, Community, and the Path to Recovery

The ChallengeStep Five in Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a challenging but necessary step for long-term sobriety and peace

Humility and Healing: The Impact of Step 5 in Alcoholics Anonymous

Long-term SobrietyIn the Lamrim practise, there is a well-known topic that will save many alcoholics from ever drinking

Secret Buddhist Practise That Will Keep Alcoholics Sober

With the intention to attain​The ultimate supreme goal,​That surpasses even the wish granting jewel,​May I constantly cherish all

What Did Buddha Say About Compassion and Addiction?

​AA is IrresistibleWhat is it about AA meetings that is irresistible? You just want to keep coming back.

Alcoholics and Compassion: An Unlikely Connection

Go Directly To JailPrison is typically where Society sends people who have not followed the arbitrary rules that

How Do We Escape From The Prison of Our Minds?

Growing up is optional

Step 5 in the Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) program involves admitting the nature of our wrongs to God, ourselves, and another person. It is crucial for overcoming loneliness, finding forgiveness, developing humility

Humility and Healing: The Impact of Step 5 in Alcoholics Anonymous

In the journey of recovery, an alcoholic learns to understand themselves and the power of cherishing others. “All the happiness there is in the world arises from wishing others to be happy,”

The Power of Cherishing Others and Recovery from Alcoholism?

the importance of addressing personal struggles, such as alcoholism, means honouring the value of one’s life and contributing to the well-being of others.

Is It Possible to Love All Beings in Sobriety?

Step Six of the 12 Steps is where boys become men according to the literature. What does a Christian mystic and Buddhist Guru say about that?

A Sparklingly Shiny New You

what is the

Dharmaholic Newsletter

For over 15 years, Mike Mather has been talking and writing about his alcoholism, and finding happiness and peace of mind using Buddhist teachings and the principles of AA.

Our Newsletter

  • Dharmaholic includes stories, videos, and audio content
  • Dharmaholic includes community interaction and support
  • Dharmaholic has a newsletter delivered at least weekly and includes all the ranting and ravings of a recovering alcoholic Buddhist + interesting allied article from around the dharmaverse.

Join the growing band of enthusiasts that enjoy living with freedom and serenity. Learn how others have attained lasting peace and happiness in sobriety using the 12-steps and Buddha's wisdom.

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