The Eight Steps to Happiness, as outlined by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, plus the ‘other’ 12 Steps offer a transformative path for those recovering from alcoholism
Alcohol & Me
Alcoholism is said to be the disease that tells you that you haven't got it!

Buddha taught 84,000 lessons -
One StepThe journey of recovery from alcoholism is a challenging and often arduous path, requiring immense strength, dedication, and perseverance. In this context, the Buddhist concept of patience, known as kshanti, offers profound insights and valuable tools for those embarking on this transformative journey. By exploring the intersection of Buddhist philosophy and addiction recovery, we
An alcoholic walked out of a bar...
Growing up is optional
what is the
Dharmaholic Newsletter
For over 15 years, Mike Mather has been talking and writing about his alcoholism, and finding happiness and peace of mind using Buddhist teachings and the principles of AA.
Our Newsletter
Join the growing band of enthusiasts that enjoy living with freedom and serenity. Learn how others have attained lasting peace and happiness in sobriety using the 12-steps and Buddha's wisdom.