Pretty blonde girl in the ocean wearing mermaid flippers

The Secret That Keeps You Drinking Against Your Will

The Secret That Keeps You Drinking Against Your Will

Alcohol Use Disorder is rampant, and the rest of us just drink too much. There is one thing above all else that stands between you and a happy and sober life.


“Reality is just a crutch for people who can’t handle drugs.”

Robin Williams

You have had an inkling for some time that something is wrong, haven’t you?

Maybe you wake up and think that you hadn’t meant to drink that much last night…often.

Whether you drink a lot or too much, it is irrefutable that alcohol is the most dangerous and overused drug in the world today.

As uncomfortable as that crown sits, addictions are ruinous and ubiquitous.

As Shirley Smith says in ‘Set Yourself Free’,

“disorders including work addiction, eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating; gambling, debting or compulsive spending; sex addiction and co-addictive relationships…as well as substance addiction, is very common.

Drug addictions are the ones people become alarmed about, as the effects are more obvious and dangerous.

Denial is the most common symptom of us addicted people.

Young tanned man in red sweater, sitting clutching his knees in a light filled room

Photo by Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash

Bad News and Good News

But there is good news and there is bad news.

So, the good news is that most people are sick like us too!

The bad news is that when you’re in denial, YOU alone can’t fix the problem. The paradox is that, ultimately, only YOU can do it.

When I got to my rock bottom, I would realise that I only had two problems — one was alcoholism, and the other was ‘Everything Else’.

After two and a half years of recovery/relapse cycle, I had a lightbulb moment and haven’t had a drink for ten years.

Top 5 Tips For Addiction —

My experience in fellowship meetings indicates that everybody’s Rock Bottom is different in facts, intensity, and biological time frame. My epiphany at age 45 is very common, though (Psychology students will be able to elaborate).


Even before I began drinking, I loved David Bowie. The glitter rock and the courageous style changes intrigued and bedazzled me.

“I re-invented my image so many times that I’m in denial that I was originally an overweight Korean woman.” David Bowie

I think there is a lot of the Aladdin Sane in drug addictions. For me, Bowie was schizophrenic, and I felt empathy for the character and the performer. Read more here.

Denial, therefore, is the block between the performance and the actor moving on. This article is too small a place to discuss all the psychological reasons why I or you or anyone falls into the role we adopted, but the escape from that role is imperative for change to occur.

We all have more power and resilience than we give credit.

We are all capable of change, in fact, change will happen whether you lead it or follow it.

Black and white portrait of a woman in time-lapsed shot shaking head

Photo by Callie Gibson on Unsplash


Making the decision to move forward with your life FROM addiction TO happy, sober, and frickin’ awesome is my quest.

Thanks for reading this post about addiction and recovery. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it’s important to remember that recovery is possible, and there is help available.

One of the key strategies for overcoming addiction is education (but it won’t keep you sober!). By learning more about addiction and recovery, you can better understand the nature of the problem and the steps you can take to overcome it. This can include attending meetings, reading literature, and seeking out the guidance of professionals and peers who have experience with addiction and recovery.

Remember, addiction is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive approach. You’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it again. One step at a time.

By taking a multifaceted approach to your recovery, you can increase your chances of success and achieve lasting sobriety and happiness.

It helps to have someone show you how they have done it, so enlist a friend or mentor.

Spirituality is an essential part of my recovery, and if you haven’t found your way, look around. Over thousands of years, there have been many ways to deal with the unknown, and you’re sure to connect with a Higher Power somehow.

Buddhism has made all the difference for me.

If you’re interested in learning more about addiction and recovery, be sure to check out our FREE guide “10 Strategies to Overcoming Addiction and Living a Happy and Sober Life.”

This free guide offers practical advice and inspiration for those struggling with addiction, and can help you take the first steps towards a healthier, happier life.


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