Tag: mental health
Pouring Out The Past: A Recovering Alcoholic’s Tale of Triumph
After ten years of recovery from Alcoholism, you might discover that despite not needing to drink, there is still work to do.
Alcoholics and Compassion: An Unlikely Connection
Explore the profound role of compassion in overcoming suffering and fostering connections, through the lens of the 12-Step process.
Perfect Generosity Now: How Buddhism Saves A Dying Alcoholic
Through giving, we not only benefit others but also enhance our own self-worth, a crucial step in overcoming personal obstacles such as addiction.
Power, Love, and Giving a Shit
The concepts of powerlessness and personal responsibility in the context of addiction recovery, particularly in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It emphasises the importance of admitting powerlessness over alcohol and drugs, while still taking personal responsibility for one’s actions.
Oh Lord, It’s Easy To Be Humble
Step 5 in Alcoholics Anonymous involves admitting the nature of our wrongs and is crucial for overcoming loneliness, finding forgiveness, developing humility, and gaining a realistic view of ourselves.
AAA—Attitude, Altruism, and Attention in Alcoholism
In the beginning…When Dharmaholic began, several years ago, it was built on the 6A formula that I dreamed one weekend. It is still a simple mnemonic for virtuous action in alcoholic recovery.The Six A’s stand forAwarenessAcceptanceActionAttitudeAltruismAttentionFollowing on from our initial breakthrough of cessation, longer-term sobriety and a changed lifestyle requires new attitudes and actions, don’t…