Tag: prayer
How Can A Buddhist Stay Sober and Help Others?
Both Buddhism and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous offer powerful frameworks for achieving personal transformation and overcoming self-centredness.
How Do We Escape From The Prison of Our Minds?
We imprison ourselves far more than society does, but what if we were really in prison? How to start recovering from alcoholism is prison.
Change Your Life Instantly by Exchanging Self With Others
Encounter the struggles of a self-centred mindset and witness the personal hardships it can cause. The turning point comes with the realisation of the futility of prioritising one’s own needs.
Love and Compassion in AA Action
Alcoholics need to think of others. Langri Tangpa eloquently explains the practice of taking and giving, which cultivates love and compassion, guides us towards the six perfections, and leads to Buddhahood.
What So F*ck!n9 Special About Me?
Discusses the concept of equalising self with others in the context of alcoholics anonymous (AA) and Buddhist teachings. It emphasises the importance of recognising the kindness of others, understanding the universal wish for happiness.
A Sparklingly Shiny New You
Step Six of the 12 Steps is where boys become men according to the literature. What does a Christian mystic and Buddhist Guru say about that?