Category: Uncategorized
Pouring Out The Past: A Recovering Alcoholic’s Tale of Triumph
After ten years of recovery from Alcoholism, you might discover that despite not needing to drink, there is still work to do.
How Can A Buddhist Stay Sober and Help Others?
Both Buddhism and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous offer powerful frameworks for achieving personal transformation and overcoming self-centredness.
The Painful Dilemma of Powerlessness and Responsibility
Willingness is a catalyst for personal growth and responsibility. Making amends can evoke fear, but it is important to confront shame and acknowledge wrongdoings.
Power, Love, and Giving a Shit
The concepts of powerlessness and personal responsibility in the context of addiction recovery, particularly in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It emphasises the importance of admitting powerlessness over alcohol and drugs, while still taking personal responsibility for one’s actions.
Peace and Happiness in Sobriety with The Three Jewels
Discusses the importance of the Three Precious Jewels in Buddhism, which are Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. These jewels can be extremely important for those in recovery from addiction, as they provide inner strength and guidance.
Alcoholism and How To Find Your Higher Power
The journey to sobriety and finding Buddhism. The power of being agnostic and how letting go of control and ego was the best thing to do.