Category: buddhism and alcoholism
Power, Love, and Giving a Shit
The concepts of powerlessness and personal responsibility in the context of addiction recovery, particularly in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It emphasises the importance of admitting powerlessness over alcohol and drugs, while still taking personal responsibility for one’s actions.
Wishing Love and Recovery From Addiction
What is the wish for others to be happy and free from suffering? This love can be developed through meditation, leading to benefits such as enlightenment, protection from harm, and mental happiness. Discover the importance of renunciation in the spiritual journey.
AAA—Attitude, Altruism, and Attention in Alcoholism
In the beginning…When Dharmaholic began, several years ago, it was built on the 6A formula that I dreamed one weekend. It is still a simple mnemonic for virtuous action in alcoholic recovery.The Six A’s stand forAwarenessAcceptanceActionAttitudeAltruismAttentionFollowing on from our initial breakthrough of cessation, longer-term sobriety and a changed lifestyle requires new attitudes and actions, don’t…
Peace and Happiness in Sobriety with The Three Jewels
Discusses the importance of the Three Precious Jewels in Buddhism, which are Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. These jewels can be extremely important for those in recovery from addiction, as they provide inner strength and guidance.
The Path To Enlightenment or Destruction
Explore the similarities between the path towards sobriety from alcoholism or addiction, and the path towards enlightenment.
Surrender To Childhood Trauma That Ended Long Ago
Childhood TraumaMany people have experienced the childhood trauma that accompanies alcoholism and other addiction. We may have difficulty acknowledging the impact it has had on our lives. However, it is important to understand and accept these effects in order to move forward and heal. As Dr David Hawkins says in ‘Letting Go: The Pathway Of Surrender’, “…repression…