Category: alcoholism
HOW. AA’s Fourth Step and The Higher Trainings
Both Buddhist philosophy and the Fourth Step of Alcoholics Anonymous emphasize the importance of introspection, the willingness to face one’s flaws, and the importance of forgiveness
AAA—Attitude, Altruism, and Attention in Alcoholism
In the beginning…When Dharmaholic began, several years ago, it was built on the 6A formula that I dreamed one weekend. It is still a simple mnemonic for virtuous action in alcoholic recovery.The Six A’s stand forAwarenessAcceptanceActionAttitudeAltruismAttentionFollowing on from our initial breakthrough of cessation, longer-term sobriety and a changed lifestyle requires new attitudes and actions, don’t…
The Loveliest Thing About Humans and Other Addicts—They Can Change
Addiction, selfishness, and being human are all the same – it’s just a matter of degrees. The need to transform our mind from thinking about oneself to thinking about others is crucial.
Are You Behaving Yourself? Discipline and Morality
A personal alcoholics journey in following rules and establishing his own moral discipline. It includes A list of actions to avoid, as well as reflections on living a meaningful life and the correlation between AA and Buddhism.
Peace and Happiness in Sobriety with The Three Jewels
Discusses the importance of the Three Precious Jewels in Buddhism, which are Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. These jewels can be extremely important for those in recovery from addiction, as they provide inner strength and guidance.
The Secret That Keeps You Drinking Against Your Will
The sad truth about alcoholism is that the one thing that keeps people struggling with addiction – denial.