Month: June 2023
The Secret That Keeps You Drinking Against Your Will
The sad truth about alcoholism is that the one thing that keeps people struggling with addiction – denial.
Alcoholism and How To Find Your Higher Power
The journey to sobriety and finding Buddhism. The power of being agnostic and how letting go of control and ego was the best thing to do.
Waiting For The Miracle To Happen
This article discusses the virtues of patience and its importance in overcoming addiction, on the relationship between patience and anger, and the role of patience in promoting peace and happiness.
The Path To Enlightenment or Destruction
Explore the similarities between the path towards sobriety from alcoholism or addiction, and the path towards enlightenment.
Looking For The Beauty Within (Others)
Buddhism can help overcome alcoholism flaws. Our distorted view not only blinds us to our own flaws, but also prevents us from acknowledging the areas where we need to grow and improve.