Thank you

man in a green shirt wearing mala beads sitting on a bar stool

Thank you again for getting the gratitude journal and allowing Dharmaholic into your life.

In Buddhism, gratitude is considered a fundamental virtue that is essential for spiritual development and well-being. Gratitude involves recognising and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives, including the people, experiences, and things that bring us joy and happiness.

What has Buddha said about alcoholism?

Dharmaholic is about to release a comprehensive guide to learning about Buddha and recovering from alcoholism.

You can be among the first to embrace this new paradigm. If this is you…

  • Years of drinking to oblivion hasn't solved our problems.
  • Nights of soul-searching didn't uncover any solutions.
  • Meetings with well-meaning Christian based principles left me thinking, “What about me”?

This course is just what we need…

… To understand the principles that Buddha taught 2,500 years ago.

… To see how ancient wisdom applies today in our hour of need.

… To practice these principles in all our affairs.

We require only 12 people to make this first cohort of Dharmaholic Daredevils a reality. Pre-select yourself here now.


You missed out!

This initial course will be limited to 12, and you can secure your seat in the class today. Just fill in the application below and we will contact you as we progress to start date.

Hungover man frowning with a golden halo
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