Tag: letting go
Faith, Community, and the Path to Recovery
How faith provides comfort, hope, and support, and highlights the importance of spiritual practices and community in fostering sobriety.
Humility and Healing: The Impact of Step 5 in Alcoholics Anonymous
Step 5 in the Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) program involves admitting the nature of our wrongs to God, ourselves, and another person. It is crucial for overcoming loneliness, finding forgiveness, developing humility
The Beauty of AA Step Ten and Buddhists Principles
AA step 10 — reflecting on our actions and making amends where necessary. This process, rooted in Buddhist principles, promotes compassion, kindness, and equanimity.
Can You Walk 20 Simple Steps to Complete Freedom?
The intersection of addiction recovery and Buddhism. It explores how the principles taught in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous closely align with Buddhist teachings.
Oh Lord, It’s Easy To Be Humble
Step 5 in Alcoholics Anonymous involves admitting the nature of our wrongs and is crucial for overcoming loneliness, finding forgiveness, developing humility, and gaining a realistic view of ourselves.
HOW. AA’s Fourth Step and The Higher Trainings
Both Buddhist philosophy and the Fourth Step of Alcoholics Anonymous emphasize the importance of introspection, the willingness to face one’s flaws, and the importance of forgiveness