Tag: AA
Waiting For The Miracle To Happen
This article discusses the virtues of patience and its importance in overcoming addiction, on the relationship between patience and anger, and the role of patience in promoting peace and happiness.
Looking For The Beauty Within (Others)
Buddhism can help overcome alcoholism flaws. Our distorted view not only blinds us to our own flaws, but also prevents us from acknowledging the areas where we need to grow and improve.
Emergency Rescue Your Mind by Helping Others
With the intention to attainThe ultimate, supreme goalThat surpasses even the wish-granting jewel,May I constantly cherish all living beings.Langri TangpaAlcoholism and SelfishnessRecovery from alcoholism and other addictions is benefitted by the concepts of Buddhism regarding happiness and freedom from suffering. Let’s discuss the role of selflessness and service in achieving these goals. Drawing from the teachings…
Is Generosity The Most Important Buddhist Virtue?
Generosity in Buddhism is important for both the giver and recipient. Buddhism recognizes different 5 forms of giving.
How Buddhism and 12 Steps Saved My Life
Drunk for 30 years, despite initial resistance, I eventually found success in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Buddhist principles.
Are You As Alcoholic As Me?
Tells the story of a Buddhist man’s struggle with alcoholism and how they overcame it to live a happy, sober life.